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A prototype is a valuable asset. By validating key assumptions through customer feedback, you are able to connect the dots before investing in a fully-featured product. We can develop and productionise a functional prototype for your business within weeks of consultation.

The key benefits of software prototyping are to get valuable feedback from your customers in the early stages of the project. It also gives you insight into the accuracy into the initial assumptions made on customer needs, estimation made on implementation, and whether your deadlines can be met or exceeded.

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A Proof-of-Concept Prototype for verifying key functional aspects of the intended design without all the functionality of the final product.


A Working Prototype (non production grade) for representing all or nearly all of the functionality of the final product.


A User Experience Prototype representing enough of the user interface and functionality of the product for user research purposes.


A Paper Prototype is a printed or hand-drawn representation of the user interface of a software product. For early test analysis, and also to confirm design decisions before more costly levels of efforts are committed.

Our iterative prototype process entails listening to the end user followed by revising a mock-up and making further refinements. The process roughly listed below:


Identify basic requirements


Develop initial prototype


Review with end user/customer


Revise and enhance prototype

A prototype can also be used as a customer acquisition channel before the final product is built, thereby drastically reducing your time to market, and when the final product is built, you would have averted the risk of building what the customer doesn’t want or need. Prototyping is at the heart of lean product methodologies.

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We provide strategic technology development services to founders who cannot afford to hire a CTO or assemble a technical team.


20-22, Wenlock Road London England N1 7GU

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